RehabiliGait integrates adjustable knee and hip braces with custom-designed gait-detection and friction braking subsystems

This is a display of the interface that a physical therapist (PT) would interact with during a session with a patient. The PT can visualize how far away the patient is from their desired gait at any point in their walking cycle, as well as control how the device applies haptic feedback

RehabiliGait integrates adjustable knee and hip braces with custom-designed gait-detection and friction braking subsystems

For my year-long capstone senior design project, 5 other engineers and I designed and built a 2 DOF robotic exoskeleton for the rehabilitation of stroke patients. Our device, RehabiliGait, was designed to specifically treat patients suffering from drop foot, a gait impairment that deteriorates a patient's coordination.
Our device allowed patients to correct their walking cycles via real-time gait sensing and resistive haptic feedback. RehabiliGait effectively gives patients the feedback necessary to correct their gait real-time.
RehabiliGait uses encoders to track the positions of a patient's knee and hip joints. Resistance is then applied at these joints to direct patients to follow the correct gait (pre-input for them by physical therapists) using custom-designed servo-actuated friction-braking mechanisms.
My primary contributions to this project included project management, mechanical design of the braking mechanism and integration of the electronic components.